Katharina Lucia is a lovely artist and yoga who creates colourful magic on canvas, yoga pants, jewellery and more. They make wonderful gifts!
I absolutely love her print ‘Love is the Soul’s light’ hanging in my living room and her yoga pants are soft and bright, they will definitely energise your mood!

LEONIE DAWSON: My Brilliant Year Life & Biz Workbooks
Leonie Dawson is a lovely artist, author of the amazing Life and Biz Workbooks, podcast host, ecourse creator and multi-million business owner inspiring others to grow.
It has been a yearly ritual for me since 2017 to reflect on the past year and dream about the projects, goals and priorities I wish to set for myself in the new year, using both of Leonie’s workbooks.
The Brilliant Year Workbooks allow you to journal, doodle, meditate and investigate what you truly want to manifest and create in your life. They are amazing because they make your big dreams a lot more realistic and encourage you to take action straight away! I highly recommend them.

LEONIE DAWSON: Money Manifesting and Multiple Streams of Income
Leonie Dawson is a lovely artist, author of the amazing Life and Biz Workbooks, podcast host, ecourse creator and multi-million business owner inspiring others to grow.
Money Manifesting and Multiple Streams of Income e-course is extremely useful to help you get control over your finances and help you develop multiple income streams.
I really enjoyed it because it helped me organise my finances, assess where my money was ‘leaking’, how to invest better and how to develop several ways to generate income. I made the money of the course back and more. Definitely worth it!

LEONIE DAWSON: 40 Days to a Finished Book e-course
Leonie Dawson is a lovely artist, author of the amazing Life and Biz Workbooks, podcast host, e-course creator and multi-million business owner inspiring others to grow.
40 Days to a Finished Book e-course is an inspiring course to support you and keep you accountable in your writing process. It is full of great tips to help you find the best publishing strategy for you.
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